Welcome to the FoodMC website

A Cost Action for Mathematical and Computer Science Methods for Food Science and Industry

The agriculture and food processing sector (agri-food) is facing sustainability challenges of growing complexity, from consumer expectations to concerns over food security, right through to environmental regulations. In such a context, innovation is becoming a decisive factor of competitiveness for companies in this field. Methodologies and tools from Maths and Computer Science (MCS) are emerging as key contributors to modernization and optimization of processes in various disciplines: the agri-food sector, however, is not a traditional domain of application for MCS, and at the moment there is no community organized around solving the issues of this field.

This COST Action (CA15118) brings together scientists and practitioners from MCS and agri-food domains, stimulating the emergence of new research, and structuring a new community to coordinate further investigation efforts. Exploiting approaches originating from different sub-fields of Mathematical and Computer Sciences from applied mathematical models to knowledge engineering, FoodMC will cover two main topics: understanding and controlling agri-food processes; and eco-design of agri-food products.

FoodMC started on April, 11 2016, and will end 4 years later. We are happy to welcome within this Action all scientists and representatives of agri-food companies to create a new community !

Dr Alberto TONDA, Chair of the Action

Prof Aleksandra NIKOLIC and Prof. Mile JOVANOV, Vice Chairs of the Action

COST Action: Mathematical and Computer Science Methods for Food Science and Industry (CA15118, FoodMC)

Redactor: Alberto Tonda