WG3 - Software tools for the food industry

WG3 - Software tools for the food industry

The Working Group "Software tools for the food industry" has the objective to promote the development of computer applications, allowing a larger audience of users to exploit scientific results. Expert knowledge, experimental data and mathematical models will be used to answer the users’ needs.

Working Group 3 will address the difficult problem of the low delivery of operational tools based on food science research findings.

WG3 will adapt existing applications, such as web semantic applications, knowledge-based systems, simulation tools, to the food sector, and produce an assessment of the situation with regard to other disciplines. In particular the WG will review the different categories of techniques and applications capable of exploiting heterogeneous scientific results, in relation to categories of users, domain scientists, students, industrialists, policy-makers, and consumers. WG3 will identify main needs or opportunities regarding the type of users that can benefit from the development of such tools.

A limited number of case-studies will be identified and addressed during the Action, through specific workshops and STSMs from the second year.

At the end of the Action, results will be disseminated to interested users through a document, and a training school will be organised with the gathered materials.

WG3 Leaders

Jan van impe

Leader: Prof Van Impe Jan, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, jan.vanimpe@cit.kuleuven


Vice-Leader: Prof Moisescu Mihnea Alexandru, Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti, Romania, mamihnea@gmail.com


Want to be part of this WG?

  • contact the WGs leaders, Jan and Alexandry
  • Join a resume and your motivation to be part of the action
  • Send a copy to the action Chair, Alberto Tonda, at costfoodmc-info@inra.fr

Modification date: 05 June 2023 | Publication date: 24 October 2016 | By: lp