WG1 - Modelling food products and food processes

WG1 - Modelling food products and food processes

The working group "Modelling food products and food processes" will be in charge of producing a state-of-the-art review of food products and food process modelling, a comprehensive overview of the scientific challenges and identification of stakeholders concerns, problems or needs.

Working Group1 will provide guidelines for promoting research at both the fundamental and the applicative level. In order to address stakeholder concerns within the food sector domain, this WG will organise specific activities to identify industrial needs and concerns, such as sending a survey or organising a round-table at the action conference.

The WG members will be in charge of identifying modelling approaches with a potential high impact on the food sector activities and define benchmark case-studies to illustrate that will be addressed during the Action workshops and the STSMs.

Finally, this WG will promote the use of MCS solutions in the food sector through the organisation of 2 training schools.

Working Group1 Leaders

Leader: Dr Charalambides Maria, Imperial College London, UK 



Vice-Leader: Dr Carvalho Maria Otilia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal motiliac@netcabo.pt



Want to be part of this Working group?

  • contact the WGs leaders, Ingrid and Maria Otilia
  • Join a resume and your motivation to be part of the action
  • Send a copy to the action Chair, Alberto Tonda, at costfoodmc-info@inra.fr

Modification date: 05 June 2023 | Publication date: 24 October 2016 | By: LP+AT