WG2 - Modelling for eco-design of food processes

WG2 - Modelling for eco-design of food processes

The Working Group "Modelling for eco-design of food processes" will describe the kind of systems to be addressed by eco-design, the appropriate MCS techniques and tools to be used, it will propose illustrative/pedagogical case-studies and define the boundaries of this interdisciplinary research, that will lead to the delivery of suitable methods and tools in the future.

The Working Group will be in charge of producing a state-of-the-art on the use of MCS solutions for the eco-design of agro-food products, a comprehensive overview of the scientific challenges and stakeholders concerns, problems or needs. WG2 will provide guidelines for promoting research on this subject, pertaining the “food processing” component in agro-food systems and in relation with agriculture, food storage, and ecology.

A prominent aspect of the subject is the complex network of interactions linking the agro-food activities together, which grows more intricate with the system size (local, regional, international). WGE will identify and represent the most important relations, from the food processing activity point of view, at different scales of study and observation. To do so, the WG will collect and integrate  inputs  from  involved  stakeholders  and  specialists from  different  disciplines,  through dedicated meetings, workshops and STSM.

From year 2, the WG will focus on a small number of case-studies so to be able to illustrate in details concrete obstacles and proposed solutions.

Themed one-day-meetings and STSMs will be the key tools in that regard. Similarly to WG1, this WG will organise 2 training schools to promote the use of MCS techniques to address the problem of eco-design, hopefully involving specialists of all activities that compose a food system

WG2 Leaders


Leader: Prof Ilija Djekic, University of Belgrade, Serbia, idjekic@agrif.bg.ac.rs


Vice-Leader: Dr Eugen Pop, SC IPA, Romania, epop61@yahoo.com




Want to be part of this Working group?

  • contact the WGs leaders, Ilija and Eugen
  • Join a resume and your motivation to be part of the action
  • Send a copy to the action Chair, Alberto Tonda, at costfoodmc-info@inra.fr

Modification date: 05 June 2023 | Publication date: 24 October 2016 | By: lp