WG4 - Dissemination and knowledge transfer

WG4 - Dissemination and knowledge transfer

The Working Group "Dissemination and knowledge transfer" will ensure dissemination of research results to the general public, around a topic of scientific and/or socio-economic relevance, allowing for knowledge exchange and the development of a joint research agenda, bridging separate fields of science/disciplines to achieve breakthroughs that require an interdisciplinary approach.

WG4 will conduct a knowledge acquisition project consisting in enriching the Action website with a structured organisation of knowledge, documents and data exchanged or produced during the other WG activities.

A key task of this WG will be to capture process and assess knowledge exchanged during the COST activities, to provide feedbacks to the other WG leaders and actively contribute to deliverables (Reports and joint peer-reviewed publication).

The WG will identify the type of content of a COST Action to be disseminated (knowledge, data, documents, software, etc.), and propose technical solutions to improve the knowledge transfer function of the website.

The group will gather researchers with hands-on experience in organizing interdisciplinary research and knowledge engineering/cognitive specialists.

WG4 Leaders


Leader: Dr Bredeweg Bert, University of Amsterdam, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, B.Bredeweg@uva.nl


Vice-Leader: Prof Laurier Wim, Universite Saint-Louis, BRUXELLES, Belgium wim.laurier@usaintlouis.be



Want to be part of this Working group?

  • contact the WGs leaders, Bert and Wim
  • Join a resume and your motivation to be part of the action
  • Send a copy to the action Chair, Alberto Tonda, at costfoodmc-info@inra.fr

Modification date: 05 June 2023 | Publication date: 24 October 2016 | By: lp