Call for papers, special issue of IJFS

Special issue of the International Journal of Food Studies: DEADLINE EXTENSION (May 2nd)

The International Journal of Food Studies has a call for papers, for their special issue on "Modeling and Simulation for Food and Bio Processes". New deadline: May 2, 2018

The International Journal of Food Studies planned a special issue on Modeling and Simulation for Food and Bio Processes. As the topic is in scope with our Action's objectives, FoodMC is sponsoring the open-access content for the issue.

Scientific literature shows an increasing research activity devoted to modeling and simulation in food and bio processes, engineering and technology. In 2016, a special issue of the Journal of Food Engineering focused on virtualization of processes in the food domain has gained great attention by the readers (still some of the papers appeared in that special issue are among most downloaded papers from JFE). The Special Issue proposed to IJFS seeks to enhance the knowledge on application of modeling and simulation methods and tools in food and bio processes, engineering and technology, including transport phenomena analysis, formal modeling, multi-physics approach, virtual prototyping and design, optimization. Experts from industry and academia are invited to submit manuscripts presenting their approaches, methodologies, practice and software, to define the state of art, to discuss the application of modeling and simulation to practical problems and to foresee the future challenges and prospective.

Manuscript submitted will be thoroughly reviewed by anonymous reviewers and by the guest editors and will have to meet all criteria stated by IJFS before accepted for publications.

New deadline for submissions: May 2, 2018

Modification date: 05 June 2023 | Publication date: 31 January 2018 | By: AT